This collection of essays was produced to mark the launch of the ECLN.

The ECLN does not have a corporate view and the views expressed are those of the contributors.

Essays available as PDF files only. You can get a free viewer from Adobe.

Essays in defence of civil liberties and democracy

A. Sivanandan
> “The Rules of the Game”?

Paddy Hillyard
> The “War on Terror”: lessons from Ireland

Aidan White
> Why Terror and Tolerance are the Greatest Test of Modern Journalism

Tony Bunyan
> While Europe sleeps...

Thomas Mathiesen
> Lex Vigilatoria – Towards a control system without a state?

Deirdre Curtin
> Checking and balancing polity-building in the European Union

Ben Hayes
> There is no balance between security and civil liberties - just less of each

Gus Hosein
> What's wrong with Europe?

Lorenzo Trucco
> Lampedusa - a test case for the subcontracting of EU border controls

Liz Fekete
> “Speech crime” and deportation

Steve Peers
> EU law and family reunion: a human rights critique

Balthasar Glatti and Heiner Busch
> Switzerland votes in favour of accession to Schengen: a defeat for civil

Phil Scraton
> The denial of children's rights and liberties in the UK and the North of

Max Rowlands
> The state of ASBO Britain - the rise of intolerance

Virginia Mantouvalou
> UK’s anti-terrorism measures fall short of European standards

Gergana Jouleva and Alexander Kashumov
> Did the Bulgarian Minister of State Administration pay “Microsoft”
   Corporation out of his own pocket or was it public money?