WHERE DO WE STAND TODAY? Alternative consultation on the future of EU Justice & Home Affairs policy

Deadline: survey closes 31 December 2008
Complete the alternative JHA consultation now
[49 multiple choice questions, opens in pop-up window]

Why an alternative consultation?

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the future priorities in the field of Justice and Home Affairs policy. The EU has been developing its 'Area of freedom, security and justice' - measures concerning police cooperation, counter-terrorism, immigration, asylum and border controls - for more than a decade, and claims to have upheld civil liberties and people's privacy with its policies. Many civil society organisations disagree, arguing that the EU has failed to uphold the human rights and democratic standards that Europe holds so dear.

The 'Area of freedom, security and justice' has been developed largely on the basis of two five year plans - the Tampere (1999) and Hague (2004) programmes - both of which were drawn-up and adopted with no input from parliaments or civil society. The importance of these action plans can not be understated, they set the policy agenda and the parameters and objectives for specific policy measures.

It is planned that the plan for 2009-14 will be adopted under the Swedish presidency as the Stockholm programme in around a year's time (November 2009). As part of the 'exchange of ideas that will lead to the definition of priorities for the next five years, the European Commission has launched a 'wide-ranging public consultation'. Regrettably, the questions that the Commission has posed appear to be designed to solicit public support for specific EU policy initiatives rather than encouraging a meaningful exchange on the substance and content of those policies (see Commission consultation).

The European Civil Liberties Network has therefore designed an alternative questionnaire that poses different questions about the development and implementation of EU policies and their effect on civil liberties and human rights. This alternative consultation also takes into account the substantive discussions that have recently taken place within the EU's 'Future Group'.

It only takes a few minutes to complete the alternative consultation on the 'Area of freedom, security and justice'. The results will be compiled and submitted to the European Commission, which promises to take 'additional contributions' into account.

You can choose to complete the questionnaire anonymously or to provide basic information about yourself/your organisation that will be used in the analysis of the results. Data identifying individual respondents will never be disclosed and we will not share this information with any other organisation. Data will be erased after use. You must provide a valid e-mail address to authenticate your response.

Have your say on the future of EU JHA policy: take the alternative JHA consultation now

Deadline: survey closes 31 December 2008